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Pain today, gain tomorrow?

Many of us who try to help others learn and use good software development practices have made the case that if only a person would try a recommended technique and get used to it, eventually they would see improvements in code quality and a reduction in delivery time, and probably easier maintenance of the code base, too.

It’s generally true that when we begin to learn a new skill we work more slowly than we will after we’ve learned to apply the skill effectively. This seems to make many people hesitant to try anything different than their current practices. The idea of slowing down temporarily in order to improve “later” is hard to accept. People have difficulty accepting any short-term cost in order to achieve long-term gain.

But what does it mean…eventually or later or after a while? When is “eventually?” How much “later?” How long is “a while?” People are afraid the temporary slow-down during their initial learning curve will have too much impact on delivery time, or will take too long to overcome.

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Gilded Rose: Read by Refactoring

People who practice refactoring often turn to the Gilded Rose exercise, originally posted by Bobby Johnson and extended and elaborated by Emily Bache. The exercise can be approached in many different ways. I think that makes it especially useful for exploring alternative ways of dealing with existing code bases.

Several years ago, Arlo Belshee came up with an interesting way to address existing code that he calls read by refactoring. I will admit that I haven’t discussed this with him directly, nor have I attended his training on the subject. I’m basing this on my reading of the idea online and experimenting with the approach on my own. So, I might be missing key aspects of the idea. Please feel free to correct me if that’s the case.
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Refactoring the Hard Way, Part 2

This is a continuation of an exercise to learn how difficult it is to add refactoring support to a text editor. There’s no intent to produce a fully-featured and robust solution, but just in case it proves to be useful I want to focus on a couple of tools that don’t already have satisfactory refactoring support for widely-used legacy languages.

To be clear: This isn’t a “lesson”. I’m not teaching you something I already know how to do. I’m writing down what happens as I try to teach myself how to do something that’s new to me. Others already know how to write refactoring logic and how to write extensions and plugins for editors and IDEs. Fair warning, in case that sort of thing doesn’t interest you.
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Refactor Anyway

Have you heard or read statements like the following?

  • “Tests are the wall at your back. You gotta have tests or you don’t know what you’re doing.” ( Sandi Metz video; time index 9:35)
  • “Not using an IDE with refactor tools like the ones discussed above is a waste of time.” ( Brian Ambielli)

I’ve seen a lot of people paralyzed by this advice. But why? It’s good advice, after all.

I think the problem is advice like this assumes the listener has a certain understanding of what software development work entails, and an ability to synthesize information and apply new techniques in context and with the benefit of substantial experience that includes particular activities and skills.

Absent those conditions, advice like this can scare people. They assume they literally cannot or must not attempt to refactor code unless the code is already well covered by a comprehensive and meaningful suite of executable checks, and they have the privilege of using very specific tools that verify the refactoring is completed safely.
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