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A different wall to bang our heads against

Throughout my career, people involved with software development and support have done their best to make software perfect; or at least to eliminate all the bugs from it. We’ve come up with more and more design principles, development techniques, testing methods, system monitoring and self-correction schemes, and tools aimed at avoiding, preventing, detecting, working around, recovering from, and removing bugs from software.

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Accuracy, performance, and maintainability of software systems

Premise: The relative importance of three key qualities of software systems – accuracy, performance, and maintainability – depends on context.

Problem: Many (most?) software developers have a rigid opinion regarding the relative importance of certain characteristics of software systems. Some will insist that performance is always a priority, and that all types of software must execute as fast as is technically possible. Others will insist a system must always produce accurate results, and there is never a margin for error. Others will demand that any software system be designed with maintainability in mind, regardless of context.

Solution: Understand the factors in a system’s operational context that influence the relative importance of accuracy, performance, and maintainability. Apply this understanding when making design choices.

To illustrate how context influences the relative importance of these qualities of a system, here are a few archetypical or actual examples of different contexts in which software is used.
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