This is a sort of trip report. I started on a journey in 2002, and in the ensuing 10 years traversed a lot of territory, met many interesting people, and learned a great deal. The journey certainly changed me. Whether the change is for the better is still an open question. I’m talking about my journey with, alongside, around, and sometimes against the grain of the "agile" movement.
With the Agile 2012 conference just around the corner, I thought this might be an appropriate time for a personal retrospective. I’ve presented at the last five consecutive Agile conferences, and found them to be enriching experiences. This year’s event takes place about 2 miles from my former home near Dallas, Texas. It would be great to see the old familiar places and visit old friends in the area. It would be great, as well, to show some of the friends I’ve made on my "agile" journey around the town.
I won’t be there.