
Cobol Check

Test automation and TDD tool to enable checking the behavior of individual Cobol paragraphs in isolation fro the rest of the program and from external resources.

Cobol Samples

Sample Cobol programs illustrating how to handle various basic programming tasks in the language.

dfhmdf gem

A Ruby gem to complement the page-object gem for use with the te3270 gem to test mainframe “green screen” applications. The dfhmdf gem converts DFHMDF BMS macro source code into field definitions for page-object.

Example RESTful Service in Java

Three projects that illustrate how to create a RESTful service in Java.

Example RESTful Service in Ruby

Three projects that illustrate how to create a RESTful service in Ruby.

Shell unit testing frameworks

Unit test frameworks for shell languges. Github repositories:

Self-Start Ruby

A guided self-learning sequence for people interested in getting started with the Ruby language.